Getting frustrated from collecting all the fee dues from students? If you have to deal with a lengthy list of student loan collections and cannot catch up on tuition payments quickly, you may end up with missing fee payments and falling behind on the collection schedule.
Cloud-based fee management system makes your fee collection smooth and accurate with powerful analysis and forecast of future delinquency. Administrators can view student fee dues, follow up and gain more control on collection. The college fee management system offers a single platform to capture all the information you need, all in a single location. You can save significant amounts of manual work and time, and maximize your revenue in a hassle-free and paperless campus.
Using student fee collection software, you can define fee structures, create fee schedules, add discounts, create installment plans, pay online and issue receipts automatically. It also generates reports on outstanding fees with automatic alerts and reminders via email, SMS and push notifications from mobile devices.
Online accounting and financial management software comes loaded with amazing features for more powerful controls to help administrators and staff to increase their efficiency and optimize their resource allocation.
Features of the smart fee management system
Benefits for administrators