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Top 5 strategies to improve charter schools enrollment

July 11, 2016 Team Creatrix
charter schools enrollment

Charter schools enrollment forever remains a big challenge. Formed to improve education with parental involvement and innovative learning practices, the charter schools have year-round admissions for scholars and a lot more initiatives to improve the academic outcomes of students. However, many of the Charter Schools are still struggling to recruit students and achieve enrollment goals.

Why do charter schools enrollment face a challenge?

It’s because they don’t have an enrollment cape and can recruit students from different geographic regions, but enrollment is difficult. 

As you dig into your school’s options, use Charter School Management Software to easily track and manage a large number of applicants, manage student data, assign lottery numbers, manage waitlists and streamline enrollment. Charter Schools can make use of these five great ways to improve child’s admission chances.         

Top 5 strategies to improve charter schools enrollment 

1. Applicant Tracking

Eliminate a huge pile of paper applications and manual work and replace it with a paperless student admission system to reduce staff workload.    

2. Manage Students & Groups

Charter Schools serve a large number of students and children. Charter Schools are run by different groups. Cloud and mobile technologies support a huge amount of data of students, teachers, staff, parents, and other stakeholders. Charter Schools can generate various kinds of reports to take intelligent data-based decisions from websites and mobile devices.

3. Automate & Streamline Enrollment

Charter Schools are provided with automated tools to customize admission processes and streamline enrollment to provide opportunities for students to achieve at higher levels.

4. Automatic Lottery Number Assignment

Automatically assign lottery numbers in seconds to select from a huge pool of applicants and instantly notify them.

5. Wait-list Management

Charter Schools are free to customize waitlisting of candidates according to their unique needs. Check waitlist status in real-time and parents are automatically notified via email, SMS alerts, and push notifications. 


However complex the charter schools enrollment could be, software like Creatrix Admissions and recruitment can easily get you where you aspire to be. We have customization tools that give you the most customized fit for your unique admission process. 

With powerful integration capabilities, we integrate into CAS (common application services), student information systems (SIS), payment gateway, and other ERP systems easily without disrupting your base. We are secure with a mobile-friendly design that attracts today’s prospective students. Our statistics and reporting give control over the whole admissions process in single clicks. Contact us to know how we do it.